Category: z_NinjaAuthor: unknown
Syntax: principles chikyu improve
Chikyu is the general combat principle. All of these skills
except for concentrate are always 'on' once you've learned them.
Tsuyoku - Enhances your toughness.
Songai - Increases your melee damage.
Isogu - Adds two melee attacks per round.
Bladeslice - Attack your enemy's legs, lowering their effectiveness.
Sakeru - Innate enhanced dodge.
Concentrate - Adds a bonus to hitroll and damroll.
Chikyu is the general combat principle. All of these skills
except for concentrate are always 'on' once you've learned them.
Tsuyoku - Enhances your toughness.
Songai - Increases your melee damage.
Isogu - Adds two melee attacks per round.
Bladeslice - Attack your enemy's legs, lowering their effectiveness.
Sakeru - Innate enhanced dodge.
Concentrate - Adds a bonus to hitroll and damroll.