Rebirth Of Apocalypse

The Rebirth of The Apocalypse





Vampires are the creatures of the night and thus take damage if exposed to daylight. Vampires cannot eat food, or drink any liquids except for blood. If they cannot drink blood for a long duration of time they will start taking damage or maybe even go berserk, so it's a good idea to store some blood in a drinking container. Vampires take half damage from cold, none from gas, and double from fire, lthough those with the Heat immunity take normal fire damage rather than double. Other abilities include :

- Embrace - Allows you to feed from the willing or defenceless.
- Order - As if target lower generation vampire of your clan was charmed.
- Introduce - Informs everyone in the room of your vampire lineage.
- Vamptalk - A special vampire channel which distinguishes between clans.
- Regenerate - Vampire cannot regenerate naturally; they need to use this.
- Vclan - Shows information on the other members of a vampires clan.
- Feed - For feeding other vampires with your blood.
- Favour - Make a vampire a Prince, allow them to sire a childe, accepts or inducts them into the clan, or outcasts them from the clan.
- Powers - Lists all the commands (NOT powers) available to you.

For more information type 'help disciplines /help golconda'.

Siring a Vampire


To make a player a vampire, you need non-potent blood. That is if you have the discipline potence you cannot use it. The following is the method to make the target a vampire.

- Slit left/right

- Feed <target>

- Lick left/right




Golconda is the state of being wherin the vampire manages to control her frenzies and restrain the Beast. All kindred of clear minds seek this state unless they want a total release from their Undeath. Golconda is a very hard state of being to attain, but for many it is the only goal worth attaining. Golconda is the final acceptance of ones curse and the subsequant power over it. Central and basic to this is the act of remorse. This is a personal and immediate realization of the sins one has commited. Penance must be be performed and the worse one's sins, the more the vampire needs to do. Once the beast has completly taken over (100 beast) and you have lost control over your humanity (0 humanity) the attainment of golconda is no longer possible. Your humanity and beast are inextricably linked so that 80 humanity represents 20 beast. While 0 beast when you attain Golconda is 100 humanity. Attaining golconda allows you the ability to resist damage from sunlight and also rewards you with vast experience. The true route to Golconda is known by few who closely guard its secrets but it is believed to be closely linked to the power of Obeah and to the vampire's experience.



Disiplines are a Vampire's unique combat and non combat abilities. These are trainable by using primal points. Unfortunately the primal cost spirals upwards with every train.There are twenty disciplines, each with the following powers:

- Animalism - Control over Animals
- Auspex - Extra sensory powers
- Celerity - Great combat speed
- Chimerstry - Illusionary powers
- Daiminion - Demonic gifts
- Dominate - Hypnotic powers
- Fortitude - Damage resistance
- Melpominee - Power of the voice
- Necromancy - Mastery over the dead
- Obeah - Healing and purity
- Obfuscate - Art of concealment
- Obtenebration - Shadow magic
- Potence - Supernatural strength
- Presence - Charismatic auras
- Protean - Shapeshifting
- Quietus - Assassination powers
- Serpentis - Wyrm abilities
- Thanatosis - Power of putrefacation
- Thaumaturgy - Blood magic
- Vicissitude - Body control


Pigeon : Transport objects about
Beckon : Call forth an animal
Song : Calm the beast or rage out of someone
Share : Control an animal
Beastwithin : Bring forth the beast in vampire, or cause a werewolf to crinos



Heighten : See much more
Readaura : Gain more info on players/npc's and objects
Unveil : Find out what someone is up to (must be in same room)
Astral : Locate someone, wherever they are (unknown to them)
Scry : Find out where people are



As your level in celerity increases the faster your attacks become, and the more speed you gain during combat.



Mirror : Create an illusion of yourself
Formillusion : Create an illusion of someone else
Clone : Create an illusion of an object
False : Rename an object
Control : Control an illusion



Guardian : Summon forth a guardian
Fear : Make people scared to fight
Portal : Create a portal to another player
Curse : Make peoples limbs fall off
Soultwist : Damage people with a good alignment



Command : Make people do what you want
Condition : Make sure the player never ignores your command
Possession : Possess an NPC and control them
Loyalty : People who are loyal to you, can't attack you
N/A : Allows you to use command/mes on all in a room



The higher level of fortitude you have, the less damage you take in combat.



Scream : Damage your victims with sound
Harmony : Make the room safe
Courage : Make someone immune to fear
Love : Make people follow your orders, also they can't attack you
Anger : Make someone really mad, and lash out at people



Thanatopsis : Examine a corpse to find where and by who it was killed
Preserve : Preserve a body item for future use
Spiritgate : Use a corpse to create a portal to where they died
Spiritguard : A guardian will tell when someone trys to do something to you
Zombie : Create a zombie from a corpse



Panacea : Heal people
Anesthetic : Make people immune to pain (prevents hitroll dropping)
Neutral : Make the room safe
Unburden : Lower a vampires beast
Renew : Fully restore someone



Vanish : Hide in the shadows
Mask : Disguise yourself as someone else
Conceal : Allows you to make objects invisible (better then invis)
Shield : Block your mind from auspex powers
Soulmask : Disguise your aura



Shroud : Make the room dark
Arms : Summon forth arms to entrap your victims
Shadowbody : Transform into a shadow
Lamprey : Do damage and drain blood from your victims
Shadowstep : Use shadows to goto NPC's in dark rooms



The higher the level you have in potence, the more damage you do in combat.



Awe : Some NPC's treat you with respect
Dreadgaze : Make your victims flee in fear
Entrance : Charm your victims
Summoning : Summon a player to your location
Majesty : Stops people attacking you



Nightsight : Allows you to see in the dark
Claws : You can now extend claws from your fingers
Earthmeld : Allows you to hide under the ground
Change : You can change into a wolf or bat
N/A : Adds mist form to those avaliable with change (Protean 4)



Silence : Stops people in the same room using channels
Weakness : Lower the strength of your foes
Infirmity : Same as weakness, but also effects dex and con also
Bloodagony : Smears your blood onto a weapon, allowing it to do agg dam
Spit : Spit blood at your victims (Similar to kick)



Tongue : Use your long serpent tongue to do damage (Similar to kick)
Mummify : Turn yourself into a corpse
Serpent : Turn yourself into a huge serpent
Darkheart : Rip out your own heart, can't be staked
Breath : Do damage to all those that are attacking you



Hagswrinkles : Make yourself look like anyone, even NPC's
Putrefication: Make your victims flesh rot
Ashes : Transform into a pile of ashes
Withering : Make peoples limbs wither away into nothing
Drainlife : Drain a victim hp, and transfer into your own



Taste : Gain information on someone
Bloodrage : Make a vampire burn blood
Potency : Increase your blood pool
Theft : Steal blood from a victim
Cauldron : Boil someone blood, causing them great pain



Changling : Disguise yourself as another player
Fleshcraft : Disguise yourself as a player or NPC
Bonecraft : Disguise yourself as anyone
Zulo : Grow into a huge beast
Plasmaform : Transform into a pool of blood